Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kevin, Mary & Chris Arrive

On our first full day in Durango (7/28), we spend the day totally relaxing. We've gone gangbusters since leaving Peoria and it is so nice to have nothing to do! The boys checked out the area, played video games and watched movies. Dave and I read, watched a couple of old movies in the afternoon, and caught up on laundry. Around 5:30, we headed into town to go to the Bar D Chuckwagon Dinner. Back in '88, we'd gone to this with the family reunion and enjoyed it. Decided to take the boys, and while we were there, found out that it was the 40th anniversary of the Bar D. Back in 2002, forest fires had come within feet of the place, but luckily, it was saved.

We enjoyed a good Western style dinner on tin plates, with lemonade in tin cups. After dinner, there was entertainment - western songs sung by cowboys. At first, the boys thought it would be boring. In fact, Matt said, "Please don't tell anyone in Peoria that I came to this!" After the first song, they got into it and loved the humor, the stories and the funny songs. It was a nice evening!

Kevin, Mary and Chris Rice got a late start coming to Durango b/c of some commitments they had. They finally arrived at 1:30 AM and headed straight to bed. We were happy they found the place in the dark since it is soooooo dark here!

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